"Not Me," a thriller series, is one of the Thai series that has successfully captured attention. Directed by Anucha Boonyawatana, touches on several social issues, making this drama even more interesting.
Gawin Caskey, one of GMMTV's young stars, became one of the actors in the series "Not Me." Here are some facts about Gawin Caskey's role in the "Not Me" series, which he played successfully as a mysterious figure who became a plot twist.
1. Not Me series marks Gawin Caskey's return to drama after starring in "Girl Next Door: Motorbike Baby" in 2020.
2. He plays the role of UNAR in this GMMTV series, where he successfully treats the longings of fans.
3. UNAR is described as a street muralist who enjoys using his paintings to criticize the government.
4. The first UNAR character appeared when he was painting at Tawi's house and became engulfed in a fire.
5. However, he was aided by "Yok" (First Kanaphan) and survived the fire.
6. Following the incident, "Yok" became curious and discovered the identity of UNAR.
7. In addition to "Yok," the audience was curious about UNAR's true identity because no one knows for certain.
8. In the fifth episode, UNAR's true identity was revealed after "Yok" stole his wallet.
9. The plot twist, UNAR is revealed to be a police officer who enjoys painting about social issues in Thailand.
10. UNAR's real name is "Dan," and he has been painting since he was a child. He chose to become a police officer because he believed that painting would not be sufficient to meet his life's needs.
Gawin Caskey managed to hypnotize the audience with his acting as a street artist and a police officer while successfully making the audience wonder with his figure. What an unexpected plot twist!