Following the success of the mini-series "Happy Ending," Strongberry is ready to delight BL fans with their second drama titled "Blossom Campus." This drama will consist of 25 episodes, each lasting 5 minutes, totaling 120 minutes, and will feature romantic comedy and drama genres.
Newcomer actors Son Gong Hoon and Choi Dong Ho have been cast as the lead roles. Director Kang Woo, known for his work on "Long Time No See," is entrusted with the scriptwriting and direction of this drama.
Strongberry also reaffirms their commitment to stand against harassment and cyberbullying towards the artists involved in this project.
"Blossom Campus" tells the story of Min Jae, a transfer student in the Faculty of Music majoring in Practical Music at Hankook University. He meets Kyu Ho, a Taekwondo student, who accidentally helps him.
Min Jae, who works as a librarian in the school library, continues to think about Kyu Ho even though he finds Kyu Ho odd. Since their first meeting, they become involved and grow closer, eventually forming a romantic relationship.
More Information
The release date for "Blossom Campus" has not been announced yet, but it is planned to be released in March. The streaming platform, whether through Strongberry's OTT or YouTube channel, is still unknown.
Meanwhile, there have been no further announcements regarding the much-anticipated sequel to "Choco Milk Shake."