Dech Narongdet Rungarun, a talented young actor and model from Thailand, was born on April 24, 2000, in Bangkok. Marking his initial steps in the entertainment world in 2022, Dech began his acting career in the Thai series "Remember Me" with an uncredited role that paved the way for his early success.
Modeling Career
Dech Narongdet Rungarun started his modeling career in the prestigious Thai modeling industry, particularly under the renowned agency "Copy A Bangkok." His pinnacle achievement came in 2023 when he made his acting debut as the lead in the television series "Playboyy" playing the characters Nont and Nant (Twin Siblings). Previously, he also caught attention in an uncredited role in the series "Remember Me."
After completing his secondary education, Dech Narongdet Rungarun pursued higher education at the University of Bangkok, majoring in the Faculty of Communication Arts. His decision aligns with his ambition to delve deeper into the entertainment industry.
Personal Profile
- Name: Dech Narongdet Rungarun
- Original Name: เดช ณรงค์เดช รุ่งอรุณ
- Nationality: Thailand
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: April 24, 2000
- Age:
- Agency: A Copy Bangkok
Dech Narongdet Rungarun's Works
With his growing talent and dedication to pursuing his passion, Dech Narongdet Rungarun emerges as a promising figure in the Thai entertainment industry, leaving behind a trail of proud achievements.