The latest BL drama produced by All This Entertainment, "The Rebound Series," has wrapped up filming. This drama stars Meen Nichakoon and Ping Krittanun, who previously acted together in the drama "Ai Long Nai The Series."
This drama is directed by Golf Tanwarin, who previously directed the BL drama "The Eclipse Series." In addition to Meen and Ping, this drama also features Nammon Krittanai and Frank Thanatsaran.
Meen and Ping are two popular BL actors in Thailand. Meen is known for his handsome appearance, while Ping has charming visuals and impressive acting skills. Their collaboration in the drama "The Rebound Series" has been eagerly awaited by BL fans.
"The Rebound Series" is scheduled to air on Viu in 2024.
The drama "The Rebound Series" has several interesting potentials. First, Meen and Ping are two BL actors with strong chemistry. Second, the drama is directed by Golf Tanwarin, who has experience in directing successful BL dramas. Third, the drama has a compelling story, focusing on the complicated love story between two teenagers with a sports theme.
With these potentials, "The Rebound Series" has the opportunity to become one of the popular BL dramas in 2024.