Chimon Wachirawit Ruangwiwat, or better known as Chimon, celebrated his 24th birthday on January 15, 2024, by engaging in a series of charitable activities.
On his birthday, Chimon distributed 350 meal sets to homeless individuals. Additionally, he donated 150 meal sets to Mitrpracha Hospital (โรงพยาบาลมิตรประชา).
Three days later, on January 18, Chimon extended his charitable efforts by donating items to three foundations. The donated items included toys and other daily necessities.

Chimon visited several foundations, including The Mirror Foundation (มูลนิธิกระจกเงา) for social welfare and the Home for Handicapped Animals Foundation (มูลนิธิบ้านสงเคราะห์สัตว์พิการ) for animals with disabilities, to donate the items. During his visit, Chimon also donated 15 bags of food for animals to the foundation for handicapped animals.
Chimon concluded his charitable activities by visiting a foundation that cares for children at the Foundation for the Disabled under the patronage of HRH Princess Srinagarindra Boromarajajonani (มูลนิธิอนุเคราะห์คนพิการ ในพระราชูปถัมภ์ของสมเด็จพระศรีนครินทราบรมราชชนนี). He interacted with the children, brought them joy, and wished them a happy birthday.

Quoted from, Chimon stated that this is the first time he has personally engaged in such charitable activities. He feels excited and committed to bringing happiness to the community. Chimon also expressed his gratitude for the support from those who follow his work.
"This is my first time doing something like this; I've never traveled to foundations directly. In the past, I may have participated in various activities, and this year I am determined to come and bring happiness and do something for the community." Chimon said, as quoted from
Chimon invites his fans to follow the progress of his charitable activities through his personal Instagram and Twitter accounts. He uses the hashtag #CHIMON24THBIRTHDAY to promote and share his charitable activities while celebrating his birthday.
Chimon hopes that his charitable activities bring happiness to the community and contribute to social goodness. He feels inspired by the support and attention from his fans.